Phase III: Real-World Projects
CTAAN provides the necessary evidence for scaled, sustainable adoption of technology throughout our region.
Care2Talk in HomeHospice Pilot Program
The project will evaluate the feasibility of the Care2Talk platform to enhance quality of life and care for persons receiving home hospice care by offering them the ability to connect with loved ones and healthcare from home through secure video calling.
2024 | NRC-IRAP Supported
Seedlings with Schools
Involving local school districts to provide seedings to those in long-term care with JustVertical apparatus. Partners include School Districts 91 and 97, and Farm to School.
Expanding Indoor Gardening in Care Settings
Both residents and staff in a care setting experience diverse benefits from indoor gardening with the Just Vertical apparatus; however, staff must have the capacity to take on the responsibility. This project quantifies the staff’s time, resources, and efforts necessary to maintain the JustVertical apparatus. We’ve expanded this to Gateway Lodge, Aurora Home, Dr. Andrew Pavillion, and Simon Fraser Lodge.
2024 | NRC-IRAP Supported
Horizon AI: Advanced AI Wound Care Network
With AI-powered wound care technology from Swift Medical, clinicians can collect unbiased wound data in an instant and high-risk patients can be flagged to enable timely intervention.
2024 | Swift Medical, DIGITAL
Vancouver Foundation
Those aging in northern B.C. face a fragmented, under-resourced, and geographically isolated system with limited access to technologies to support aging in place. CTAAN’s research with new AgeTech will improve the lives of aging populations by providing essential evidence in support of the flow of technological resources to rural communities.
Rio Tinto
A new project led by the Kitimat Valley Housing Society (KVHS) and Northern Health, in partnership with CTAAN, presents a unique opportunity with Rio Tinto to create regional-level outreach. CTAAN will validate and implement technologies in a new person-centered dementia care facility to ensure residents have excellent care and high quality of life.
Computer Interactive Reminiscing and Conversation Aid in Canada: CIRCA-CA
2024 | Dementia Community Investment, PHAC
We piloted CIRCA-CA, an electronic scrapbook with a personal selection of photos, music, and videos. We found it may boost caregiver’s self-confidence and perceptions of people with dementia, and improved caregiving relationships.
AVOID Framework: Frailty Prevention
2024 | Canadian Frailty Network
The AVOID (Activity, Vaccination, Optimization of medications, Interaction, and Diet) framework, which may help prevent frailty, is being introduced to care home staff. We created, tested, and optimized an educational module informing staff on its employment.
NORthern BC older adult research Advisory Group (NOR-AG)
2024 | Northern Health, PHSA, UNBC
We are co-creating a framework for a rural and Northern BC older adult research Advisory Group (NOR-AG) to support authentic participation of older adults at all stages of the research and implementation process for AgeTech.
DREAM: Dementia Resources for Eating, Activity, and Meaningful Inclusion
2023 | Public Health Agency of Canada
Dementia Resources for Eating, Activity, and Meaningful Interaction (DREAM) educate and help meet needs of people with dementia and their families. We reviewed this website to improve its effectiveness.
Dementia-Inclusive Streets and Community Access, Participation, and Engagement
2023 | Public Health Agency of Canada
The DemSCAPE research project explores how best to create dementia-friendly neighbourhoods. We developed tools and guidelines to reflect the needs of individuals with dementia and caregivers in the north.
Kobo eBook Club Improving Apathy in Northern Long-Term Care Residents
We explored the benefits and challenges associated with a weekly eReader book club for individuals in long-term care, assisted living, facility staff, and volunteers. The project improved day-to-day interest and social interaction of older adults.
2023 | Rakuten Kobo
Predictive Modelling of Healthcare Utilization Using InterRAI Data
By using machine learning to make predictions from individual-level data, our system is designed to guide resource allocation in a way that accounts for the particular characteristics of regions in which our partner organizations are responsible for healthcare.
2022 | BC Support Unit
Implementing AgeTech to Support Dementia Care
With a smart home technology approach (AgeTech) in the Aurora Home (a new long-term care facility in Vanderhoof) during the first year of operation, we observed the practical use of these applications to help support the residents.
2023 | AGE-WELL
COVID-19’s Health and Human Resource Impact in Northern Long-Term Care
2021 | Interior University Research Coalition
We surveyed LTCF staff during the COVID-19 pandemic to understand which programs and strategies participants effectively mitigated negative effects on their mental health and well-being.
Antivibration Technology for Persons with Essential Tremors
This project assessed the practical use of the Steadi-One gloves for older adults with Essential Tremor or Parkinson’s Disease in a rural or Northern context.
2020 | AGE-WELL, Steadiwear
Intergenerational Effects on the Impacts of Technology Use in Later Life
We tested intergenerational impacts on older adult technology use, and discovered the willingness of older persons to adopt to new technologies and the value of intergenerational relationships in this context.
2020 | Northern Health
Growing Our Own:
A Gardening Program in Long-Term Care
2022 | Northern Health, PHSA, UNBC
In collaboration with long-term care staff, dieticians, and older adults, we designed a gardening project that decreased loneliness and increased quality of life in long-term care facility residents.
The Nak’azdli Lha’hutit’en Project:
Intergenerational Storytelling
2020 | AGE-WELL, Nak’azdli Whut’en
Preserving Elders’ wisdom, cultural knowledge, and oral traditions, we engaged children and Elders through digital videos and art. This project fostered community and culture.
Affordable Geriatric Consultations: Telehealth
2020 | Northern Health Authority
We compared the costs and outcomes of telegeriatric and in-person geriatric consultation methods. Our findings suggest a promising future for geriatric care of older adults in marginalized areas.
Project Highlight:
New Dementia Care Homes
Working with partners at new dementia care homes in northern BC to help select, vet, implement, and evaluate AgeTech for quality aging and care.
Watch a video about the story of Aurora Home in Vanderhoof:
Benefits of Circadian Lighting
View this short video on how lights that match the sun’s light impact the quality of life of those aging in the north.
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